wii unable to read disc fix error

wii unable to read disc fix error
Re: Wii Unable to Read Disc - Nintendo Tech Forums.
wii unable to read disc fix error
How to Fix the Wii "Unable to Read Disc" Error - Yahoo! Voices.Wii Unable To Read Disc - Google Sites.
How to Fix Wii Disk Read Errors | Game Front.
Re: Wii Unable to Read Disc. Unfortunately it sounds as though there is a problem with your disc drive. To fix this, you will have to send it into .
Jun 16, 2010. If you like to learn How to Fix Nintendo Wii "Unable to Read" Disc Error then visit our lens. The Nintendo Wii Fix can show you how in under an .
Wii unable to read disc???? - The Nintendo WiFi Community.
Re: Wii Unable to Read Disc - Nintendo Tech Forums.
Wii unable to read.. The game starts up (as usual) after prompting it to via the disc channel, but then fails. Once again, the message, "An error has occured.. Also never ever try to fix the wii yourself. you might hurt yourself.
How can I fix my Nintendo Wii myself (unable to read disk), without. play my Nintendo Wii, it would stop in the middle of the game and an error .
Mar 5, 2008. The error message "unable to read disc" appears. We tried. also gives information on fixing many Wii Related Problems, so its a kind of Wii .
Unable to Read Disc - Wii Chat.
| Wii - Troubleshooting - System & Accessories | Nintendo.
Wii Unable to Read Disc Error. While playing Skyward Sword, I suddenly got this message. After that, the rest of my games stopped working too .
Jun 7, 2010. The Nintendo Wii is perhaps the most popular gaming console on the market today.
Yesterday, my Wii keeps saying a "Disc Error" message everytime I put on a disc. . My Wii says "unable to read the disc, check your Wii operations. likely that you both might have to send in your consoles for a repair, sorry.
Wii Troubleshooting- Unable to Read Disc - Yahoo! Voices - voices.
Wii unable to read.. The game starts up (as usual) after prompting it to via the disc channel, but then fails. Once again, the message, "An error has occured.. Also never ever try to fix the wii yourself. you might hurt yourself.
How can I fix my Nintendo Wii myself (unable to read disk), without. play my Nintendo Wii, it would stop in the middle of the game and an error .
Mar 5, 2008. The error message "unable to read disc" appears. We tried. also gives information on fixing many Wii Related Problems, so its a kind of Wii .