keywords in c programming

how to search a keyword in C? - C Board -
i want to use it.but how? just a small example please. x86.
The C programming language has just 32 keywords for you to build robust programs. With only 32 keywords, they all fit nicely into a short table. Use them wisely .
Understanding "extern" keyword in C - GeeksforGeeks.
What does the LOCAL keyword do in the following function? I am assuming it makes the function "foo" only available to other functions inside.
For example (in C): int break = 1; int for = 2;. Why will the compiler. Then what will the computer do when it comes across a statement like:.
Learn to Use Typedef -
c - Why does a programming language need keywords? - Stack.
The C Book — Keywords and identifiers - GBdirect Publications.
Joy of Programming: Demystifying the 'Volatile' Keyword in C.
asm keyword - C Board -
keywords in c programming
Variables Keywords and Identifiers in C - Chapter 2 of C Programming.Extern keyword in C? - Yahoo! Answers.
keywords in c programming
C Language Keywords - For Dummies.