string javadoc substring

Expression (Oracle Application Server TopLink API Reference).
string javadoc substring
string javadoc substring
java - First char to upper case - Stack Overflow.Strings (zk 6.5.2 API).
StringTokenizer (Java Platform SE 7 ) - Docs Oracle.
The uString object is a replacement for the native java String .
StringUtil (Liferay 6.1.1-ce-ga2 API).
Object substring) PUBLIC: Function, returns the string padded with the substring to the size. Expression · leftPad(java.lang.Object size, java.lang.Object substring).
. 4 down vote. text.indexOf(match);. See the String javadoc. Pattern/Matcher group() to obtain substring in Java? 2 · js Search String and get .
WString (JWt Javadoc API).
The uString object is a replacement for the native java String .
Returns a substring of a String, starting from specified index and with specified length. static String. Removes all instances of substrings in a String. static String .
Counts how many times the substring appears in the larger String.. Use substringAfterLast(String, String) instead (although this doesn't include the separator) .
java.lang.String, getSubstringMatchingRuleOID() Retrieves the OID for this matching rule when used to perform substring matching, if appropriate.
Returns the substring from the from index up to the until character or end-of-string . static java.lang.StringBuffer, trim(java.lang.StringBuffer buf, int index).
String replacementData) This method replaces the substring of data indicated by offset and count with replacementData. void, setData(java.lang.String data).
CaseExactStringMatchingRule (UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java 2.3.
A token is returned by taking a substring of the string that was used to create the StringTokenizer object. The following is one example of the use of the tokenizer.
List<java.lang.String>, splitAsList(java.lang.String source, char delimiter) Splits a String into substrings along the provided char delimiter and returns the result as .
Breaks a string into an array of substrings, with the delimeter removed. static java. lang.String[], splitString(java.lang.String s, java.lang.String sep, boolean trim).
Javadocs: oscP5 - Sojamo.